Dr. Elaine Hoter
Talpiot College of Education
Project leader: Dr. Elaine Hoter has pioneered collaborative online teaching since 1995. A senior lecturer at Talpiot College in Holon, where she teaches and coordinates the Master’s degree program in English as an international language. In 2001, she organized and led the first International Teachers Conference. In 2005 she jointly founded the TEC Center (Education Technology and Social Diversity) . Today she leads the Center’s innovative pedagogy and develop virtual worlds. Elaine has given lectures and workshops on all the continents and is a Fulbright graduate

Dr. Ilan Nagar
Hemdat Darom College
Techno-pedagogue of the course: Dr. Ilan Nagar’s PhD is in educational management and policy and he lecturers in the education department at Hemdat Hadarom College in Israel, he has been working in the field of integrating technology into teaching since 1991. Ilan is an instructor and facilitator in the Department of Education for online learning, and a trainer in continuing teacher education in a number of fields including initiatives and research, in teacher training colleges and at the Mofet Institute. He is involved in research in the following fields: collaborative learning, online teaching and learning and multiculturalism.

Dr. Noa Shapira
CET – Center for Educational Technology
Co-course writer: Dr, Noa Shapira is the content and development manager of the team for citizenship, citizen education, and shared life in the Center for Educational Technology. Responsible for developing digital programs, and teachers’ professional development courses on issues such as dealing with racism, protecting human rights, fostering intergroup empathy, and a shared life in Israel. Her second degree thesis was on multiculturalism, democracy and violence in Israeli schools. Her doctorate concerns the development of empathy between groups in an online learning environment. In addition, she is a lecturer at Oranim College in the social sciences department, and at Kinneret College in the Department of Education and Community.

Dr. Manal Yazbak Abu Ahmad
Sachnin College of Education
Joint head of Course in Arabic and member of the English and Hebrew team: Manal is a senior lecturer and pedagogical counsellor in the English department at Sakhnin College. She is active in the TEC Center and manager of project ACCESS, instigated by the American Embassy. She is a supervisor for multicultural strategic teaching. Since 2010, she has taught an online course that deals with multiculturalism and conflict resolution between Arab and Jewish students. and an inter-college TEC course “Journey between cultures by means of English literature”. Dr. Yazbak Abu Ahmad attended the postdoctoral program at University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, and together teaches a joint online course “Global Understanding”. She is also a member of a TEMPUS project and two ERASMUS projects. Dr. Yazbak Abu Ahmad is a Fulbright scholar.

Dr. Eman Nahas
Arab College of Education Haifa
Joint head of the Arabic Course and member of the Hebrew team: : Dr. Nahas is vice principal and dean of academic affairs at the Arab College of Education in Haifa. Previously she was head of the department of education and academic coordinator at the college, she is also a pedagogic counsellor in special needs education. She completed her doctoral studies at Tel Aviv University on the intergenerational transmission of collective memory, and her postdoctorate at the Mofet Institute was on multiculturalism in teacher training colleges.

Dr. Reina Rutlinger-Reiner
Talpiot College of Education
Co-writer of the English course and member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Rutlinger -Reiner is a senior lecturer at Talpiot Academic College of Education in Holon, in disciplines related to teaching English as a second language. She jointly wrote the masters degree program at the college on “English as an international language”, now in its fourth year. She also lectures on education in a multicultural society at the TEC center. She has written three books: The Audacity of Holiness: Orthodox Jewish Women’s Theater in Israel (2007), which won a translation award from the Center for Research into Jewish Women at Brandeis University; the updated English version came out in 2011 as an online book published by Brandeis. In 2017 her third book keshenipagesh asaper hakol (when we meet I will tell everything) was published, on the letters of Reina De Vries-Spier (1945-1946). She received her doctorate from the Hebrew University, Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Her research and teaching interests are: education, multiculturalism, theater in education, creative teaching, English literature.

Jeremy Finkelstein
Virtual World Development, Website and Database Development
Jeremy has been developing Virtual World environments for education since 2006 and developing websites since 2001. His Virtual World projects include: Israel Island, TEC Island (for TEC), Mega-Cities (for CET Israel), MOOC Island (for Talpiot College), Spaces (for CET Israel), Paramedic Training Simulations (for Magen David Adom), Ipcha Island (for Ipcha, Israel), Beit Berl Island (for Beit Berl College), Kadima Island and many others. He specializes in creating interactive environments designed to assist and further the educational process with fun and immersive content.
Contributing Writers

Dr. Olgan Goldstein
Kaye College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Goldstein is a senior lecturer in advanced studies on the course for headteachers, and head of the second degree program in “Education in the age of information technology” at Kaye Academic College of Education in Beersheva. Her research fields are: integrating information technology in education and teacher training, social network research, internalization in higher education, evaluation of teacher training programs, integration of project based learning in teaching, and processes by which innovations are disseminated in educational institutions. Between 2007 and 2015 she led a research group focusing on evaluating implementation of the national program for adapting colleges to the needs of education in the twenty-first century.

Dr. Miri Shonfeld
Kibbutzim College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Shonfeld is head of the TEC Center at the Mofet Institute and lecturer in the second degree program in technology in education at the Kibbutz Seminar. She researches and teaches in the following fields: collaborative learning, online teaching and learning, virtual worlds, and education for multiculturalism.

Dr. Abir Watted
Alqasami College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Watted is a lecturer and researcher at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, head of the Center for MOOC Development, and advisor to the college president on the advancement of women. Her PhD is from the faculty of science and technology education at the Technion. During her studies she worked as a teaching assistant on the first MOOC to be developed at the Technion, on nanotechnology and nanosensors. Dr. Watted’s research focuses on: learning in MOOC environments, project-based learning (PBL), learning based on laboratory research, motivation in science learning, and innovative thought.

Dr. Amal Abu Saad
Kaye College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Amal Abu Saad is head of the training program for kindergarten teachers in the Bedouin sector, and member of the team for first year studies at Kaye Academic College of Education at Beersheva. She received her PhD from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in the interdisciplinary department of medicine and science teaching. Her doctorate was on research into teaching on heredity and genetics, relating to marriage between close relatives and genetic diseases in the Bedouin community.

Dr. Naomi Josefsburg
Kibbutzim College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Dr. Josefsburg is lecturer in political philosophy and philosophy of education at the Kibbutz Seminar College (retired).

Anat Regev Ladani
Ohalo College of Education
Member of the Hebrew team: Anat is a pedagogical counselor, lecturer and internship adviser at Ohalo Academic College of Education. She was previously coordinator of pedagogical counseling, and of the excellence program, and advisor on continuing education for teachers in centers for the development of teaching personnel. Manager of the course for teaching training coordinators for school trips, in the framework of the national program for excellence at academic colleges for teacher training. Areas of interest and teaching: teacher training-didactics, measurement and evaluation in education, Land of Israel studies, education for democracy, gifted students.

Hana Meir

Naomi Avremski

Shireen Hasan
Translations to Arabic

Assaf Lentz
Editor of movies

Amnon Winner
Producer/ Director of trailer and non animated movies

Arieh Crotou
Virtual World Videography

Hen Eitan and Krill Slavkin
Annoto interactive video

Mark Joseph
Translations to English

Mitziol studios
voice recordings

Mitch Clyman
voices English version together with Elaine Hoter, Reina Rutlinger Reiner

Ilan Nagar, Noa Shapira, Anat Ladino
voices Hebrew version

Nader Abu Tamer
voices Arab version together with Eman Nahus , Manal Yazbak abu Ahmad

Yugveni Babel

Cinematyp Ltd